Are we cutting our ‘Independent Woman’ noses off to spite our faces?

Ladies, I’m going to ask you the same question that I asked my friends yesterday and I want you to think about it. Do you ‘pick and choose’ when to be girlie and when to be an independent woman? We live in a world where women are told on a daily basis that they should… Continue reading Are we cutting our ‘Independent Woman’ noses off to spite our faces?

There Is No Judgement Here…

These days, it is very much the norm to look at another human being and dissect them right down to the smallest detail.  We are encouraged by the media and the internet to form an opinion on someones eyebrows, dress size, choice of car, whether they breast feed their baby and where, what colour/make of… Continue reading There Is No Judgement Here…

Girl Politics; Are we friends or foes?

I am a girl, so you would think that being friends with another girl would be easy for me. We are in many ways, the same.   We like many of the same things, have a mutual understanding of what it is like to be a girl and we get how being a girl can sometimes… Continue reading Girl Politics; Are we friends or foes?

So…today I was given a bag of condoms…..

At 15 years old, having to go see a nurse about the pill was scary and embarrassing and made you feel like you were suddenly in a story line on Hollyoaks. By the time you hit 30, it is boring and mundane but a necessary task and talking about your eggs and your womb with… Continue reading So…today I was given a bag of condoms…..

Dating Red Flags…How many is too many??

For anyone that has ever been single, the perfect relationship is the Holy Grail. That perfect person with the right looks and the right personality to make the grade and become ‘The One’. The problem is the idea of dating is pretty flawed. Comedian C.K Lewis makes a joke about that fact that men are… Continue reading Dating Red Flags…How many is too many??

The REAL reason your little sisters is awesome.

Over the weekend whilst scrolling through Facebook, I saw an article that was entitled ‘Why your little sister is your biggest blessing’ and as I am myself, a little sister, I was intrigued to find out why I was so awesome and then share with my big sister so she too could bask in my… Continue reading The REAL reason your little sisters is awesome.

Love is…..?

We all have one thing in common.  No matter who we are, what we do or where we live, all we want ultimately is to love and be loved in return.  It is one of the most basic needs of all humans and in one way or another we all have it. Whether its paternal… Continue reading Love is…..?

Why body image doesn’t actually matter

There has been a lot in the media lately about body image. Well, mostly about body  shaming; there have ALWAYS been articles about what we should be striving to look like, and as you all know because I am on a bit of an image change at the moment, it has caught my attention. The… Continue reading Why body image doesn’t actually matter

Why being a Dj’s Girlfriend rocks!

Dj’s, and their profession get a very bad rep.  Often seen as cheesy human jukeboxes or sleazes that will sleep with anything that dances in front of their booth, there is not a lot of good press out there for them. Just today I read an awful (both in writing skill and in opinion) article… Continue reading Why being a Dj’s Girlfriend rocks!

Why are we always justifying ourselves?

I’ve noticed a new trend. It’s not a new fashion look or a new beauty product or even a new millennial word the kids have made up to describe how great something is. It’s not even a new food trend for us all to munch on or a new celebrity man for us to lust… Continue reading Why are we always justifying ourselves?