There Is No Judgement Here…

These days, it is very much the norm to look at another human being and dissect them right down to the smallest detail.  We are encouraged by the media and the internet to form an opinion on someones eyebrows, dress size, choice of car, whether they breast feed their baby and where, what colour/make of… Continue reading There Is No Judgement Here…

Girl Politics; Are we friends or foes?

I am a girl, so you would think that being friends with another girl would be easy for me. We are in many ways, the same.   We like many of the same things, have a mutual understanding of what it is like to be a girl and we get how being a girl can sometimes… Continue reading Girl Politics; Are we friends or foes?

Why does our hair define who we are?

For women, there is one thing that I think we can all agree on; our hair is our calling card. Short, long, pixie or all the colours under the sun, we spend millions every year on perfecting our hair and wearing our individuality on our heads for all to see. So, what if I said… Continue reading Why does our hair define who we are?

Love is…..?

We all have one thing in common.  No matter who we are, what we do or where we live, all we want ultimately is to love and be loved in return.  It is one of the most basic needs of all humans and in one way or another we all have it. Whether its paternal… Continue reading Love is…..?

Drunk advice could actually be the best advice!

This Bank Holiday weekend, I did what a large proportion of the UK did and I got drunkedy, drunk drunk! Not in a fall down, kebab-in-my-hair way, but the kind of drunk where you stand in the bar with friends and start to deliver advice. On everything. Whether they asked you or not. However, in… Continue reading Drunk advice could actually be the best advice!