Still Struggling with your Eyebrows?

Rewind five years and I bet you barely gave your eyebrows a second though.  The odd pluck here and there but that was it. 2015 saw the rise of the humble eyebrow and since then it has taken over every girls make up routine.  It is firmly THE beauty trend of the last few years… Continue reading Still Struggling with your Eyebrows?

There Is No Judgement Here…

These days, it is very much the norm to look at another human being and dissect them right down to the smallest detail.  We are encouraged by the media and the internet to form an opinion on someones eyebrows, dress size, choice of car, whether they breast feed their baby and where, what colour/make of… Continue reading There Is No Judgement Here…

Why does our hair define who we are?

For women, there is one thing that I think we can all agree on; our hair is our calling card. Short, long, pixie or all the colours under the sun, we spend millions every year on perfecting our hair and wearing our individuality on our heads for all to see. So, what if I said… Continue reading Why does our hair define who we are?

Why body image doesn’t actually matter

There has been a lot in the media lately about body image. Well, mostly about body  shaming; there have ALWAYS been articles about what we should be striving to look like, and as you all know because I am on a bit of an image change at the moment, it has caught my attention. The… Continue reading Why body image doesn’t actually matter

Blonde vs Brunette – Why I had to go blonde to get through my breakup

I was born with dark hair.  DARK hair, I should say as it is naturally borderline black. Throughout my teenage years, I longed to be blonde, but was repeatedly told that my hair was too dark, and the bleaching process would only damage my hair and probably make it all fall out.  Not what I… Continue reading Blonde vs Brunette – Why I had to go blonde to get through my breakup

Photoshopped? ME?! You must be joking!

I am not a girl that is particularly bothered about what people think of me.  Don’t get me wrong, I like to look nice when I go places, but I don’t read fashion magazines and apart from my boyfriend, I couldn’t care less if people find me or what I’m wearing attractive.  This is not… Continue reading Photoshopped? ME?! You must be joking!